Wednesday 22 October 2008

Evenings chez nous

My dear fiance is playing online bingo for profit and, apparently, fun. He has spreadsheets and everything so he can figure out how to maximise his takings. I am afraid I fail to be particularly supportive or encouraging.

He has also introduced me to Babylon Five. 5. Something. We're watching the...fourth?...episode. Evil has been brought to the ship by a guy in a brown shirt that seems to have built-in manboobs. Someone has turned into a rampaging robot zombie and they are hunting him in the basement. But at least that ambassador with the sideways mohican and dodgy accent isn't making much of an appearance in this one. Also, Garibaldi is awful cute.

In other news, I have some Amazon vouchers to spend and I can't bring myself to do it. This is not because I'm indifferent to the delights that Amazon has to offer. I've just been hanging on to these things for so sodding long, thinking I'll buy myself a treat when I really need it, that now I am terrified of wasting them. I must spend them on the thing that I want most. More than anything else on Amazon. I am paralysed with indecision, not least because I need to find this item for £15 or less.

What should I buy?


Anonymous said...

BUY A SCANNER. Unless you're really good. In which case DON'T BUY A SCANNER.

Fat Hobbit Girl said...

Now there's a thought! And don't worry, I'm pretty crap. I hope that posting things online will get me working a bit harder to improve.