Sunday 9 November 2008

High Barnet

I have a very clear picture of this in my head, and I really want to do something better with it. The title of this post was a total afterthought, I swear.


La BĂȘte said...

High Barnet!

Anonymous said...

Is that a moleskine you're drawing in? I'm a moleskine fan. I wrote this elsewhere, but I'll say it here: it reminds me of Mattias Adolffson, who I worship. A bit.

Fat Hobbit Girl said...

It's a moleskine, yeah. I hadn't had one for a while, but I treated myself recently. It's smashing paper, and I love having such a flat double-page spread.

I followed your link to Mattias Adolfsson a while ago, and now I worship him too a little bit. So feel free to repeat that wherever you like! I wish I had his eye for architecture.